In the past, every new year I’d write a list of very specific goals for the year. I’ve never been much of a resolution girl (I’m not going to suddenly learn Italian by March), but the last few years even a goals list has felt like a lot. So I’ve transitioned into a word of the year, and I love this practice SO MUCH! Choosing a word of the year gives me focus and intention without feeling overwhelming. While there are some things I can predict for the year ahead, I know that so much of it is going to be a surprise. I’m not a fortune teller after all!. Having a 2025 word of the year will be something I can refer back to and apply to my life no matter what comes my way.
Last year, I chose the word FORWARD. As I reread my post from last January I was so surprised to find just how true that word rang for my year. After getting married in 2023, I was able to focus this past year on moving forward in all aspects of life. I moved forward in my career with a promotion in November. I moved my style forward by having more fun playing with color and statement pieces. I moved this blog forward with amazing new collaborations. It’s been so special to reflect on the progress of this past year, and it makes me feel so fulfilled.
As I look ahead to 2025, I feel a shift happening. I have this desire to slow down. To reprioritize. I’ve been feeling more in touch with my emotions and my sense of self recently. While I’m so proud of how much I moved forward last year, this year I’m ready to welcome more gentleness, compassion, nurturing.
My 2025 word of the year is LOVE.
I went back and forth on the word I’d take into 2025, but LOVE was the one that embodied most of what I want to get out of this year. When I dug a little into the definitions of love, I found such a range. Love is a strong feeling of deep affection. It’s also a great interest or pleasure in something. It’s a selfless act of caring and concern for another’s well-being. It’s also respect. There are as many ways to define love as there are to give and receive it.
Some areas I want to focus love this year:
Myself – I’m a perfectionist, and I’m constantly pushing myself to be better. While this has gotten me far, I sometimes forget to show myself grace and love. So this year, I want to focus on loving myself and all the mental and physical changes I experience.
My family and friends – I like to think I do a pretty good job of showing love to my family and friends, but there’s always room to give more love! This year I want to focus on not only showing my love but speaking my love, so that those closest to me feel appreciated and cared for.
My career – Over the past year and a half, I’ve finally found a job and a workplace I love. I feel fulfilled and supported to do my best. This year, I want to make sure I don’t lose sight of that.
My blog – It’s easy for my blog to sometimes feel like another thing to do. I want to lean into posting more about what I love and finding the joy in content creation.
My style – This is the year to wear what I love and wear it proudly! I felt like I came into my own with my style last year. I really had fun with it. I plan to continue to find joy in what I wear and share that with the world.
My home – Ever since the wedding, I’ve been more focused on making sure my home is someplace I truly love. Jersey City once felt like a very transitional place for us while we figured out what’s next after living abroad. As we enter our fourth year back in the states, I want to focus more on what I love about where we live at the moment.
The things I love – I’m talking about more massages, more creative activities, more dinners out with friends. This year I want to do the things I love and do them proudly!
Xx, Kelsey
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