Maybe you’ve noticed that I’ve been a little absent lately on Or maybe you haven’t noticed (which is ok too!). This time last year, I was going through a really hard time being unemployed here in Amsterdam. It gave me a lot of extra time to pour into the blog. This year, I’m having the opposite problem.
At the end of last year, I began working as a freelancer. This means that I work for a few different clients on a variety of projects. I’ve shared a little bit on Instagram hinting at one of my most exciting clients, and I can finally share (a little) more with you.
The brand I’m working with is called Bloomeffects, and will be launching in the US in the Fall of this year. It’s a clean skincare brand harnessing the botanical power of Dutch tulips. And it’s going to be very exciting. I can’t share more specific details just yet, but I can tell you that I’m really thriving in my role as Brand Manager.
Up until this point, I’ve worked in advertising agencies, so it’s very exciting to move client-side for a beauty brand that I really believe in. We have a big event coming up next week in the tulip fields. It’s been keeping me very, very busy, and I can’t wait to be able to share all our hard work with the world.
I have to admit it has been hard to keep up with posting to Instagram daily and posting to the blog three times a week right now. Blogging could be a full time job in itself, and sometimes I have to make the choice to prioritize other things like my relationship or my sleep over getting an Instagram post up.
I promise that I’ll keep up as best I can over the next week or so, and then I’ll be back to my regular posting schedule.
Thanks for sticking around! I promise it’ll be worth it!
Xx, Kelsey
H&M blazer | Vero Moda blouse | Banana Republic jeans | Ideal of Sweden phone case