During Black Friday last year, I decided to invest in some skincare tools. With the continued lockdown, I wasn’t spending as much on clothes. And with so much extra time at home, my skincare routine was getting more extensive. So I kept an eye on a tool I’d heard amazing things about. When it went on sale, I snatched it right up so I could find out for myself – is the NuFace Mini worth it?
The NuFace Mini (EU) and the latest, NuFace Mini+, is a microcurrent facial toning device. So what does that mean? Microcurrents are low-level currents that mimic the body’s natural currents. According to the NuFace website, this is supposed to offer instant contouring, toning and firming.
Normally I’d be skeptical of anything that claims to be a “5-minute face lift,” but in early 2020 I had a microcurrent facial done at FaceGym in NYC. When I came back to the hotel, Jon said I looked really awake despite the jetlag that had me passing out an hour later.
I’ve been testing whether the NuFace Mini is worth it for the past two months, the recommended amount of time to see real results. Here’s what I’ve determined:

It’s worth it if you’ll use it regularly
I promised myself I would use it every day as directed when I purchased the NuFace Mini (EU). It’s not a cheap tool, and I wanted to be sure it was worth the expense. Because the device stimulates muscles to tighten and tone, if you don’t use it 5-minutes a day religiously, you won’t see results. So be honest with yourself about how this fits into your routine.
The results were instant
Having done a microcurrent facial before, I had an idea of what to expect. Sure enough, the NuFace delivered. I took before and after shots of my first use. What got me was how much more lifted my eyebrows looked.

It’s easy to target your personal problem areas
Depending what your problem areas are, there are tons of YouTube videos for how to use the NuFace. You can target forehead wrinkles and dropping brows or smile lines. For the past two months I’ve been following the standard suggestion – running horizontally from jawline to under eyes and running vertically over the forehead.
The results are real
I take a lot of photos for the blog which means I’m constantly looking at my face. In the past few weeks I’ve noticed how my face looks much more toned. Especially along my cheeks which tend to be where weight gain shows for me. I’ve also seen it help with lifting my forehead. Below is a full before and after. I was actually so surprised to see how much my smile lines had smoothed out.

It’s not necessarily a substitute for Botox
I’ve seen a lot of reviews of whether the NuFace Mini is worth it. Many say it’s like Botox. Personally, I wouldn’t substitute the NuFace for my Botox. But during the pandemic when we are all staying home, it’s a great tool to prolong the time between appointments. It’s also a great tool for areas you want to see change without any injections.
You don’t really need the Trinity
Honestly, the NuFace Mini has been so worth it that I can’t imagine needing to spend more on the bigger Trinity tool. The price for the mini is over $100 cheaper than the Trinity. I bought the set with the priming gel when it was on sale for Black Friday and ended up spending less for the Mini plus gel than the Mini at full price.

The priming gel made me break out
The one downside to the NuFace Mini is that the priming gel made me break out immediately. I still recommend trying it out because the gel makes a big difference in the feel and in the way the tool glides over your skin. It took me a while to find something that works as a substitute. Oils tend to make the sensation of the tool too strong. Lately I’ve been using the Ordinary hyaluronic acid (EU), but I end up going through a lot of it in order to keep the surface of my skin moist enough for the to to glide. Others online suggest pure aloe gel, but I haven’t tried it yet. No matter what you use, I recommend applying to one area at a time so it doesn’t dry before you start using the to.
Does it hurt?
Nope! In fact, much of the time I don’t feel a thing. Occasionally the sensation will be greater around my hairline or if I get too close to my nose. As long as you’re using enough gel or serum, you won’t feel it. Plus there are three different settings, so you can lower it if it’s too intense for you.

Overall, is the NuFace Mini worth it?
Yes. I would buy this tool again. It has become a regular part of my morning routine. I love the instant results but also the fact that I have to spend a few extra minutes just focused on myself each morning. It’s almost meditative. I’ll be continuing to use the NuFace Mini (EU) for the months to come. Just remember if you decide to buy it, make sure you’re using it every day. Otherwise, I can guarantee it won’t be worth it.
Xx, Kelsey
*First links are US and last is EU